

发布时间:2023-10-20 04:03:22作者:大众学佛网

佛教在线海外讯 据《colombopage》2009年10月21日报道,斯里兰卡包括摩尔瓦多派、阿斯羯利派在内的佛教四大长老联名上书斯里兰卡总统,要求重建佛教事务部,采取立即措施保护佛教。




Oct 21, Colombo: Chief incumbents of all four Buddhist chapters in the country asked President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday to reestablish the Ministry of Buddhist Affairs with immediate effect to protect the Buddhism.

Sending a special letter to President Rajapaksa, chief incumbents of all four chapters, including Malawathu and Asgiri pointed out that the Sri Lanka as a nation has promised to protect the Buddhism through its constitution.

However, the government in 2006 abolished the Ministry of Buddhist Affairs and established a common Religious Affairs Ministry for all three religions.

As a result of this step, several activities took place that badly affected the Buddhism as well as Buddhist history in the country, the chief incumbents pointed out.

According to the four chief incumbents several Buddhist text books have been launched with distorted facts about Buddhism and its history.

They asked President Rajapaksa to appoint a special committee, comprising professionals to review every Buddhist book before they are launched.



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