
教内之教导 The Teachings inside Buddhism

发布时间:2020-01-19 10:33:43作者:大众学佛网

  2-1-1-4. The Teachings inside Buddhism 教内之教导

  The word VIPASSANA translates as realizing and truly seeing. Seeing what? Seeing impermanence, instability and non-selfhood. When having insight, one views things differently than before. It is a transcendency. When we don't yet see clearly nor truly know then, acting, speaking and thinking are as before. It is not yet VIPASSANA. But when we feel differently than before – that is, greed, hatred and delusion decrease – it can be called VIPASSANA.





  • 初识佛法

  • 佛学课本

  • 佛光教科书